Sorcerers are born with the ability to use powerful magic. They have fewer spells than Wizards but can cast much faster and more often.
Sorcerers can innately cast arcane spells without needing academic training like Wizards. They can only preform a fixed number of spells in this way, but they can cast them much faster and can do more damage over time.
Sorcerers, along with Favored Souls, get more spell points than any of the other classes. They also gain more bonus spell points from special magic items. As a result, they can cast more often.
Sorcerers cannot switch spells at taverns or rest shrines. They are able to switch spells but to do so they must undergo a special ritual that can only be done once every few days.
Important Stats:
Charisma is the most important stat for sorcerers. High Charisma makes a sorcerer's spells more difficult for enemies to resist and also gives him or her more spell points.
Constitution is important for sorcerers who want to increase their hit points, and Dexterity is important for increasing defence.
Typical Abilities:
Empower Spell, Maximize Spell.
Arcane Cannon:
Able to unleash massive amounts of destructive magic, these sorcerers can do more damage more quickly than any other class, but can only sustain the onslaught for a limited time.
Choose this path if you prefer a more aggressive role.
As an Arcane Cannon you will command more damage spells than other sorcerers and can amplify the damage you deal to very high levels. You will, however, only have a few helpful spells with which to protect yourself or assist allies.
Because you will deal a lot of damage, you will attract a lot of enemy attention. There will be times when you will need to rely on your allies to block or immobilize enemies to keep them from damaging you too much.
The Dynamic Hand:
Versatile and dangerous, these sorcerers can suppress and destroy enemies in a variety of ways.
Choose this path if you want to attack enemies and support allies.
As a Dynamic Hand you will have a good mix of offensive damage spells, control and supression spells, and helpful spells to assist allies. This will give you the ability to shift your focus during battles and quests as conditions change.
Most arcane casters need to rely on their allies at times, but Dynamic Hands are more self-sufficient than most.
The Voice Of Power:
Concentrating on the magic of control and manipulation, these sorcerers can paralyze enemies or force them to fight one another.
Choose this path if you want to specialize in controlling enemies.
As a Voice of Power you will often use control instead of direct damage. By keeping multiple enemies charmed, weakened, slowed, or helpless you can have a major impact in battle and give your party an easier path to victory.
You will be unparalleled in your ability to manipulate enemies but will have fewer damage spells than the other sorcerers.
Important Stats:
Arcane Cannons focus first on Charisma for spell power and then on Constitution to increase hit points.
Important Stats:
These sorcerers focus first on Charisma for spell power and spell points, and then on Constitution to increase hit points.
Important Stats:
These sorcerers focus first on Charisma for spell power and then on Constitution to increase hit points.
Additional Information: