Monks use an energy called ki to preform amazing techniques in battle. Usually fighting without weapons and armor,  they can assist allies or destroy enemies but take longer to master than the other melee classes.
Monks can study different philisophical paths to allow them to use a number of special moves in battle.
Through intense physical training and mental discipline, monks gain the ability to generate and control ki. They use this vital energy to launch powerful combination attacks and project amazing beneficial effects.

In order to use their special abilities, monks must be in a state of physical and mental balance called being centered. To remain centered, a monk cannot wear armor and must fight unarmed or with special monk weapons like staffs and kamas.

Important Stats:
Strength and Wisdom are the most important stats for monks. Strength affects melee attack chance and damage, and high Wisdom boosts a monk's defenses and amplifies many special attacks.

Dexterity is important for monks who want to further improve defense and reflexes.

Typical Abilities:
Stunning Fist, Deflect Arrows.
Shintao Monk:

These monks pursue harmony and balance in their lives. With training they can assist and even help to heal the party, and are masters of unarmed combat.
Choose this path if you want to fight unarmed and have some ability to support allies.
As a Path of Harmonious Balance monk you will be able to use the ki (spirit energy) you generate in battle to bestow beneficial effects on nearby allies. You will do this by using special combinations of attacks against your enemies and then discharging your stored ki in a positive energy field around yourself.
You will be more self-sufficent than a monk on the Ninja Spy path and will benefit allies more, but you will do somewhat less damage over time.
Ninja Spy:

Stealth, skill, and destructive power are the hallmarks of the Ninja Spy. Equally content with two weapons as fighting unarmed, they use force and trickery to eliminate those that stand in their way.
Choose this path if you prefer a more aggressive fighting role.
As a Path of Inevitable Domination monk you will use the ki (spirit energy) you generate while fighting to blast your enemies with harmful effects such as blindness ans paralysis. These will weaken enemies, causing them to be more susceptible to incoming damage and making them easier to defeat.
You will be able to do a lot of damage and take on more enemies over time than other monks but will not be able to directly assisst your allies.
Henshin Mystic:
Henshin Mystics use their Wisdom to unlock the riddles of the elements. These monks follow the Path of the Harmonious Balance while concentrating their training on special ki atttacks rather than brute force.
Choosethis path if you want to focus on special monk ability to support allies.
As a Henshin Mystic you will follow the Harmonious Path of Light, but your base fighting skills are weaker than Shintao Monk. Your stunning fist attacks and other monk abilities you gain over time will be more difficult to resist than the other paths. Like all Path of Light monks, you will be able to bestow beneficial effects on nearby allies as you fight and will be fairly self-sufficient.
Important Stats:

Shintao Monks focus on Strength for attack power and Dexterity for defense. After Dexterity, they focus on Wisdom to boost their special monk abilities.
Important Stats:

Ninja Spies focus on Strength for attack, Dexterity for defense, Intelligence for skills, and Wisdom to boost their special monk abilities.
Important Stats:

Henshin Mystics focus on Wisdom to boost their special attacks, and treat Strength and Dexterity as their secondary stats.
Additional Information:
