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Getting to Know DDO
(For New Players)
Noba Dee's
Warforged are sturdy creatures of living wood and metal and are immune to many dangers that plague the other races. They have less capacity for wisdom, however, and being so different, they often have difficulty connecting with the other races. Warforged begin their lives in amazing creation forges built by the most skilled engineers. They are not completely like other living beings but are far from being robotic constructions. Originally built for battle, the Warforged are now adapting to life in normal society.
Warforged start with higher constitution and lower wisdom and charisma. They are naturally immune to many effects including poison, disease, and paralysis, and they can be healed by wizard or sorcerer repair spells. They receive significantly less healing from heal spells.
Drow elves are similar to other elves but on average have greater intelligence and charisma. They also have an innate spell resistance that makes them harder to hit by many enemy spells. Drow are the dark cousins of the elves, and like their cousins they have a long and storied history. While many live underground in the wilds away from civilization and pursue their own agendas, some Drow have emerged to join the society of adventurers and mingle with the other races.
Drow start with a higher dexterity, intelligence, and charisma, and have a lower constitution. They have an innate spell resistance that shields them from many enemy spells, and receive a bonus to will saves against magic. On the downside, they have slightly fewer hit points due to lower constitution
Dwarves are very tough and hardy, naturally resistant to many forms of magic, and stable on their feet. However, they are not as charismatic as most of the other races. Dwarves are a proud folk that often dwell in massive caverns and strongholds of stone, hewn straight from their ancestral mountain ranges. The other races often consider them materialistic, but dwarves would say they just appreciate fine craftsmanship, whether that be in stonework, jewelry, or weapons.
Dwarves start with higher constitution and lower charisma. Their strength lies in their resistance to poison and many enemy spells, receiving various bonuses when fighting certain types of creatures, and being harder to trip or knockdown than other races.
Halflings are very agile, but are small and not as strong as the other races. They are naturally good at hiding and using throwing weapons and are a bit luckier than the other races. Halflings are a diminutive people with great spirit and tenacity, and they are very adaptable and have learned to use their small size as a great advantage, often overcoming huge obstacles in resourceful ways.
Halflings start with higher dexterity and lower strength. Their strengths are a luck bonus to saves, a bonus to attack and defense due to small size, bonuses to jump and move silently skills, and bonuses when using thrown weapons. However, their small size gives them less strength..
Elves are very dexterous, have keen senses and a resistance to enhancements, but are less hardy than the other races. They have an extremely ancient and refined culture, and most elves learn about the accomplishments of their ancestors and are taught to appreciate where they have come from. Most are in tune with nature, often dwelling in peaceful forest homes high in the trees.
Elves start with a higher dexterity and lower constitution. Their strengths are their resistance to enemy enhancement spells, and keen senses that allow them to spot hidden traps, doors, and hiding enemies better than other races. Their weakness is having slightly fewer hit points due to lower constitution.
Versatility is the greatest strength of humans, and they can do well in any of the classes. They are the most adaptable of all the races and live in all sorts of environments. Although considered short-lived by the other races, humans have more ambition and drive than most, and with work, they can achieve success in whatever they set their minds to.
Humans start with a bonus feat and, on average, are able to learn more skills than any other races as they level up. Their strength is their versatility and increased capacity to learn skills, and they have no weaknesses.
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Still to come: Halfelves, Halforcs and Druids
Drow Elves
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