Paladins are supremely resilient and have a good balance of offense and defense. They protect and support allies better than the other melee classes, provide some healing, and wield the power of good as a mighty weapon.
Through their devotion and purity, paladins gain many special abilities. They can deal extra damage to evil creatures, can boost their own saves, and can use Lay on Hands to send powerful healing energy to allies.
At level 4, paladins get their first helpful spells which they can use to aid themselves or their party.
Paladins also get immunities to harmful effects like disease and fear, and radiate powerful protective auras that help defend all nearby allies.
Important Stats:
Strength and Charisma are the most important stats for paladins. Strength affects melee attack chance and damage, and high Charisma makes many of a paladin's special abilities more powerful.
A moderate level of Wisdom is also needed for a paladin to cast spells.
Notable Abilities:
Smite Evil, Lay on Hands.
The Mighty Protector:
These noble paladins are the guardians of the party. They protect weaker party members and are able to raise the defensive capabilities of all nearby allies considerably.
Choose this path if you prefer a more defensive role with good ability to support allies.
As a Mighty Protector you will both attack enemies and protect allies. Through a comnbination of defense, strategic positioning, and special abilities you will be able to strengthen and support your allies and help ensure the survival of weaker party members.
Fighting primarily with a one-handed weapon and a shield, you will have high defense and will be able to block attacks and hold off enemies extremely well. In addition, you will be able to instantly switch to offense when enemies show their weaknesses.
The Flame Of Justice:
These aggressive paladins take the fight to the enemy and use their weapons and divine abilities to mercilessly destroy any evil they encounter.
Choose this path if you prefer a more aggressive role with some ability to support allies.
As a Flame of Justice you will concentrate an dealing physical damage and will be especially effective against enemies that are evil, like undead. You will also be able to damage most enemies enought to keep them attacking you instead of the weaker members of your party.
You will focus mainly on fighting with large two-handed weapons. These are generally the most powerful weapons available and can do glancing damage to enemies other than your main target.
The Truthbringer:
Blending offense and defense, Truthbringers approach battle with a stoic determination and adjust their role to fit the situation.
Choose this path if you want to attack and defend, and have decent ability to support allies.
As a Truthbringer you will strike a balance between the more aggressive and defensive paladins and will use a combination of fighting skill, strategy, and special abilities to best accomplish your mission. You will be able to adjust to the situation and attack enemies or support allies as conditions change.
Fighting primarily with a one-handed weapon and a shield, you will have a good balance of defense and offensive power.
Important Stats:
Protectors focus on Strength for physical attack power, Charisma for boosting their special abilities, and Intelligence so they can learn defensive combat maneuvers.
Important Stats:
These paladins focus first on Strength for attack power and then on Charisma to boost special abilities.
Important Stats:
Truthbringers focus on Strength for physical attack power, Charisma to boost special abilities, and on Wisdom for spell casting.
Additional Information: