Rangers are extremely versatile combatants. They can act as scouts, can wield two weapons at once, and are lethal with a bow.
Rangers switch between bow and melee combat, shooting until the enemy closes to melee range, then switching weapons. They are the best class at two-weapon fighting, using a weapon in each hand. In addition, they can make very good scouts, sneaking ahead of the party and gathering information on enemies.
Rangers are also incredibly skilled with a bow. They can eventually learn remarkable techniques like shooting through groups of enemies with a single arrow or firing multiple arrows simultaneously.
Rangers can also cast several useful spells and begin to learn these at level 4.
Important Stats:
Strength and Dexterity are the most important stats for Rangers. Strength affects melee attack chance and damage, and high Dexterity boosts a Ranger's defence and ability to hit enemies with a bow.
A moderate level of Wisdom is needded for a ranger to cast spells. (12 minimum at level 4)
Notable Abilities:
Favored Enemy, Two Weapon Fighting.
Deepwood Sniper:
These stealthy Rangers are incredibly skilled in archery and are capable of amplifying the destructive power of arrows. They also make very good scouts.
Choose this path if you prefer to focus on ranged attacking and scouting.
As a Deepwood Sniper you will be incredibly skilled with your bow. You will be able to boost your bow damage with proper stradegy and will be able to attack multiple enemies at once.
As the stealthiest of the Rangers, you will be a very accomplished scout. In addition, like all Rangers, you will be able to assist the party with several helpful ranger spells starting at level 4.
These dynamic rangers have more skill and expertise in fighting with a weapon in each hand than anyone else. Constantly training, they can eventually become Tempests of Whirling Steel.
Choose this path if you prefer a more aggressive role.
As a Tempest you will be among the best at melee damage output. You will be able to quickly take down weak enemies and damage stronger enemies enough to keep them attacking you instead of the weaker members of your party.
You will focus mainly on fighting with a weapon in each hand, also known as two-weapon fighting or duel-wielding. Using two weapons gives you more attacks over time, and as a Tempest, you will eventually become faster at this than anyone else.
Arcane Archer:
These Rangers are masters of archery. They can create their own powerful arrows and launch them at enemies with incredible speed. When they focus in on a single target, they rarely miss.
Choose this path if you prefer to focus on ranged attacking and scouting.
As an Arcane Archer you will excel when using your bow. You will be able to boost your ability to successfully hit your targets, conjure an endless supply of magical arrows, and with proper strategy will be able to attack multiple enemies at once.
You will focus mainly on fighting with a bow, but will also be an accomplished scout, and like all Rangers, starting at level 4, you will be able to assist the party with several helpful Ranger spells.
Important Stats:
Snipers focus first on Dexterity for ranged attacks and defence, on Strength for physical attack power, and on Wisdom for spell casting.
Important Stats:
Tempest focus on Strength for attack power and on Dexterity for two-weapon fighting and defence. (Constitution is also a good one to focus on for hit points).
Important Stats:
Arcane Archers focus on Dexterity for ranged attack ability and defence, on Strength for physical attack power, and on Wisdom for spell casting.
Additional Information: