Rogues use stealth and a variety of masterful techniques to disarm traps, unlock doors, and take down enemies with devastating sneak attacks.
Stealthy and sly, Rogues pride themselves on their skill. They are among the best at finding secret doors and traps and are the only class that can disarm traps. (Other than Artificers). They can also pick locks to gain access to special areas and treasure chests.
Rogues also have a powerful ability called the Sneak Attack. With proper skill and strategy, they can use this to devastating effect.
Rogues make great scouts and are easily able to blend with the shadows and go undetected. Combining stealth with sneak attacking can be a powerful combination.
Important Stats:
Dexterity is the most important stat for Rogues. High Dexterity boosts a Rogue's defence and reflexes and improves key Rogue skills like sneaking and trap disarming.
Strength is important for Rogues who want to increase attack power, and Intelligence is important for Rogues who want to maximize their skills.
Notable Abilities:
Disable Device, Open Lock.
The Dark Blade:
These stealthy Rogues do more damage when sneak attacking than anyone else and can eventually inflict their enemies with various debilitating poisons.
Choose this path if you prefer a more aggresive role that can sneak and scout ahead of the party.
As a Dark Blade you will be the best at the offensive Rogue ability called the Sneak Attack. This ability can deal devastating amounts of damage to your enemies but needs to be used properly. This takes practice and often needs a diversion by helpful allies.
You will focus mainly on improving your attack abilities but will also be very accomplished at sneaking and scouting. In addition, like all Rogues, you will be able to disarm traps, pick locks, and search for and find hidden passages.
Master Mechanic:
These crafty, intelligent Rogues are masters at locating traps and disarming them, finding secret doors and lock picking, and can even repair constructs.
Choose this path if you prefer a support role that still has the ability to use stealth and attack in large battles.
As a Master Mechanic you will be unequaled in your ability to disarm traps and pick locks. You will succeed where even other Rogues cannot. You will also be accomplished at finding hidden doors and secret passages and stealthy scouting ahead of the party.
You will focus mainly on improving your mechanic skills but will also be very accomplished at sneaking. In addition, like all Rogues, you will be able to sneak attack unsuspecting enemies for large amounts of damage, particularly when in a large party.
Thief Acrobat:
These lively Rogues are skilled combatants and are extremely difficult to pin down in battle. They are unequaled in their ability to avoid damage from enemies.
Choose this path if you want to attack and defend, and excel at evading enemies rather than using stealth.
As a Thief Acrobat you will often use a quarterstaff and will excel at jumping, tumbling, dodging, and eluding enemies during combat. By taking advantage of helpful diversions caused by allies, you will be able to avoid one enemy while sneak attacking another for major damage.
You will focus primarily on improving your defensive abilities and your fighting ability with the quarterstaff, and will train in acrobatics instead of sneaking. In addition, like all Rogues, you will be able to disarm traps, pick locks, and search for and find hidden passages.
Important Stats:
Dark Blades focus first on Dexterity for defence and reflexes and then on Strength for attack power.
Important Stats:
Mechanics focus on Dexterity for defence and reflexes and on Intelligence so they can train in a lot of skills.
Important Stats:
Thief Acrobats focus primarily on Strength for attack power and on Dexterity for defence and reflexes.
Additional Information: