Fighters can use a large variety of weapons, all types of shields, and the heaviest armor. They can also train in many more combat abilities than the other melee classes.

Fighters get more feats than any other class, and as a result they have a lot of attack options in battle. They can knock an enemy off his feet or damage multiple enemies at once with a Great Cleave.

Fighters are also able to use more weapons, armor, and shields than any other class. They often focus their training on a specific set of gear and become masters of their own custom fighting styles. A fighter can succeed in battle in many different ways.

Important Stats:
Strength is the most important stat for fighters. High strength boosts a fighter's ability to hit enemies and increases the damage dealt with each attack. Constitution is also good for fighters who want more hit points.

Notable Abilities:
Sunder, Tower Shield Proficiency.
Vanguard Warrior:

These aggressive fighters are all about offence. They charge to the front to attack whenever possible and train in abilities that help them to do the most damage in the shortest amount of time.

Choose this path if you prefer a more aggressive role.

As a Vanguard Warrior you will be one of the best at melee damage output. You will be able to quickly take down weak enemies and damage stronger enemies enough to keep them attacking you instead of the weaker members of your party.

You will focus mainly on fighting with large two-handed weapons. These are generally the most powerful weapons available and can do glancing damage to enemies other than your main target.
Stalwart Soldier:

These defensive fighters strike a balance between attacking and defending and can either avoid or deflect most incoming damage. They can both deal damage and withstand withering attacks.

Choose this path if you prefer a more
defensive role.

As a Stalwart Soldier you will both attack enemies and protect allies. Through a combination of intimidation, damage dealing, and strategic positioning, you will be able to keep enemies attacking you instead of the weaker members of your party.

Fighting primarily with a one-handed weapon and a shield, you will have defence and will be able to block attacks and hold off enemies extremely well. In addition, you will be able to instantly switch to offence when enemies show their weaknesses.

Whirlwind Fighter:

Focusing on using two weapons simultaneously, these dexterous fighters train constantly to increase their offensive abilities while two-weapon fighting and always seek out the front lines of battle.

Choose this path if you prefer a more aggressive role.

As a Whirlwind Fighter you will be one of the best at melee damage output. You will be able to quickly take down weak enemies and damage stronger enemies enough to keep them attacking you instead of the weaker members of your party.

You will focus mainly on fighting with a weapon in each hand, also known as two-weapon fighting or dual-wielding. Using two weapons gives you more attacks over time and allows you to gain more benefits from magical equipment because you have one more melee weapon equipped.
Important Stats:

Vanguard Warriors focus on Strength for physical attack power and Constitution to increase hit points and fortitude saves.
Important Stats:

Stalwart Soldiers focus on Constitution to increase hit points and fortitude saves, Dexterity to boost defence, and Intelligence so they can learn special combat maneuvers.
Important Stats:

These fighters have a mix of Strength for attack power and Dexterity to aid them in two-weapon fighting.
Additional Information:

The fighter race can be one of the easiest classes to play in DDO. Usually players start out with a melee toon to ease themselves into a game before they try out the more serious ones. It can be a successful class for both experienced and new players to the game. The more experienced players will know exactly what they want to fine-tune their character, but even a basic built fighter will succeed in the game. This is a class for players who like to run in and be able to clear the enemies with ease, otherwise know as a tank.

From personal experience the 2 best races for a fighter would be Warforged and Half-Elf. Warforged are well knows as OP (Over-Powered) characters, they have great Strength and Constitution, as well as the ability to summon mechanical pets to their aid. You can even spend your action points on feats increasing your overall defence and healing recieved.. Half-elves have a slight decrease on their hit points and Strength, but if you choose the feat that allows you to have wizard casting capabilites, your able to complete alot more solo missions because you can use scrolls and wands to buff yourself and have bonus stats without a caster in you party. Never hurts to have a couple AOE (Area of Effect) spells at hand.