Combining magic with weapon technology and skill, artificers can attack their enemies in multiple ways, summon pets for support, and can also spot and disable traps.
Artificers use a mix of arcane magic and technology to augment items and blast foes. Wielding rapid-fire crossbows and magical "rune arms", they have a fighting style unlike any other class.
Having less spell points than wizards and sorcerers, artificers must rely on their weapons more in battle. To achieve this, they learn how to use multiple types of crossbow and special rune arms, magical items that can charge up and shoot enemies with elemental bolts of energy.
They also have pets to aid them in battle that advance and grow with them and can be fitted with special equipment to improve their abilities.
Important Stats:
Intelligence is the most important stat for artificers. High Intelligence makes an artificer's spell more difficult for enemies to resist and gives him or her more spell points.
Constitution is important for artificers who want to increase their hit points. Some artificers may focus on melee weapons, and for them Strength is important.
Notable Abilities:
Inscribe Spell, Unleash Iron Defender.
Arcane Marksman:
Supporting your party or Iron Defender from the back lines, you excel at ranged combat with crossbow and rune arm.
Choose this path if you want to focus on attacking from ranged in relative safety.
As an Arcane Marksman you will spend most of your time at ranged, while retaining a strong ability to repair your Iron Defender or warforged companions, and casting many helpful spells on yourself and allies.
With your magic you can benefit yourself and your party by enhancing the physical combat abilities of party members and replenishing the hit points of constructs. When you are not assisting the party, you will be a capable ranged combatant in your own right and will also be somewhat self-sufficient
Magic is a science to you, and you live to expand your knowledge and blow things up. Whether casting from memory, wand, or scroll, you provide the best magical support for your party.
Choose this path if you prefer a role that focuses on casting offensive spells and repairing construct allies.
As a Mastermaker you will be more adept at metamagics than other artificers, and your offensive spells will be stronger, at the cost of your personal combat ability.
With you magic you can benefit yourself and your party by enchanting the physical combat abilities of party members and replenishing the hit points of constructs.
When you are not healing the party, you will be able to supress enemy activity with a few offensive spells or attack with your weapons.
Runic Champion:
Others may stay in the back, but you fight from the front lines with rune arm and sword or axe.
Choose this path if you prefer to focus on fighting in the front line, alongside your Iron Defender.
As a Runic Champion you will fight with rune arm and sword or axe, upgrading to bastard sword or dwarven waraxe to maximize the energy imbuements of your rune arm.
With your magic you can benefit yourself and your party by enhancing the physical combat abilities of party members and replenishing the hit points of constructs.
As an offensive melee class, you will also be somewhat self-sufficient if you are a warforged or after you aquire the Construct Essence feat.
Important Stats:
Arcane Marksman focus on Dexterity to qualify for archery based feats, and on Intelligence for spell access and spell points.
With Spells you can use Intelligence for damage instead.
Important Stats:
Mastermakers focus primarily on Intelligence for spell access, spell power, and spell points.
They also focus some on Constitution to increase their hit points.
Important Stats:
Runic Champions focus primarily on Strength to increase their ability to hit and the damage they deal, as well as to qualify for two-handed weapon feats (which function with bastard sword or dwarven waraxe).
They also focus some on Constitution to increase their hit points.
Additional Information:
Artificers are a great class mixture of arcane spells and melee/ranged damage. For new builders of the Artificer class, I will tell you some helpful build/ locations for objects in the game. Artificers have the ability to be any race and still have a healing ability so don't worry; although, constructs (Warforged) and Iron Defenders both benefit from the same repair spells. If you have the healing spell, called Curative Admixture, you need a healing potion to cast it, where repair spells don't. The choices for building an artificer are with personal taste for those who know the game, and they can also be used as construct healers, much like the clerics/FS are for the other races.
Rune arms are used in any build of artificer, you may choose to not use one (why?) but thats your choice. They have tiers of charge which depend on how much damage they will do to an opponent, that top out at tier 5. They charge manually or automatically, to do it manually, they turn on by pressing Alt, and go off once youu press Alt again, firing the charged energy. To do it automatically, you have a feat which you can turn off or on allowing it to charge all the time and all you have to do is press Alt to fire it, then it goes and recharges it again.
Here is a list of some of the rune arms. One is in Korthos (Redemption Quest) that will probably be the first one you get. It fires a magic missile spell from your rune arm. Another would be the WW (Waterworks) Chain, this one is a rune arm with a spell much like Scorch, which just shoots a flame of fire from your arm. Another would be in the Catacombs Chain, which has a light magic damage spell, much like Nimbus of Light. Another would be the STK (Shan to Kor) Chain, in this one you will get a rune arm with the spell much like Chain of Lightning. It fires lightning bolts and damages enemies nearby the blast. Another one would be the Tangleroot Chain,which gives you a rune arm with a spell much like fireblast, which shoots a fireball from your arm. These are the basic rune arms one might need in the beginning, you can find more rune arms, even stronger than the ones listed doing much higher quests like Into the Deep, or The Vale of Twilight. Again these are just the basics.
The Iron Defenders you get with the artificer class are quite a help, it's like having a body guard that will protect you as long as it can. They have incredible hit points and Strength.You can apply docents on your Iron Defender (any kind) as long as he is within the level range (He is always the same level as your levels in the Artificer class). These change the appearance and help buff your pet. You may also name your pet (Only Once) by going to their character sheet and click the change name button. You can spend their action points on feats and enhancements to help increase their overall abilities. If they die in battle you have a feat (once per rest) that will revive him with some hp, if not you can take him to a resurrection shrine or recall him in a tavern. They can follow you through town and in a quest, so show them off :)