Tempest Spine
Free to Play
Location: House J (Ideal for Levels 9-12)
Story Synopsis: A prophecy from the old Giant-Dragon war is coming true and Stormreach is threatened. Climb to the top of a mountain and defeat Sorjek the Storm Giant.
Pre-Req Quests: None.
Pre-Raid?: No
Loot: The game passed this raid by a long time ago, however many of the items are still useful for new lowbie characters, but characters at level or higher will not find much useful out of this raid.
Notes: This raid does not have a timer and can be r
un repeatedly. Named loot from raid does not bind. This raid does not have a 20th run mechanic and is not included if you type /quest completions. A fun raid at level, but holds no lure for higher level characters.
Vault of Night (AKA The VON)
Location: House K. (Pre-Reqs are ideal for level 7-10, Raid is good for level 10-20)
Story Synopsis: House K hired a group of adventures to secure their extra-planar vault. Now a Dragon has take over the vault and you must make contact with each of the group, to break into the vault and defeat the Dragon.
Pre-Req Quests: Tharashak Arena, Prison of the Mind, Jungles of Khyber & Gateway to Kyber, Haywires Foundry. They are all level 8 quests, all in House K.
Pre-Raid: Yes. You must complete the pre-raid, before taking on the dragon, the must be done in order on the same run. You must have completed the first 4 quests above in order prior to starting the pre-raid. This is a 12 man instance.
Loot: +1 Tomes are pretty frequent, the big items people still look for are the Kundarak Delving Suit (good for dex builds until you can get Icy Rainments or Dragon Touched Armor) and the Kundarak Boots (permanent freedom of movement). Everything else is quickly replaced by better items.
Notes: This raid has a 20th raid mechanic, meaning every 20 runs your end reward list should be a decent list of the named items, along with some Tomes. The pre-raid requires a balanced group, especially a rogue that can do traps. Also 2 rangers are very useful here with their bow skills. Once the raid is completed, you can not repeat the series for 3 days, at which point you must start at Tharashsk Arena again. All named loot is bound to character.
The Titan
Restless Isles Pack
Location: Hiding in Plain Sight is located in the Harbor, all other quests are located in the Resless Isles. Talk to the guy in front of Falconer's Spire after completing HIPS to get to the Resless Isles. (Ideal for levels 10-14)
Story Synopsis: An old war machine has been brought back to life, it must be stopped!
Pre-Req Quests: Hiding in Plain Sight (Level 7, Wayward Lobster), Bring me the head of Ghola Fan (Level 10, Restless Isles), Slavers of the Shrieking Mines (Level 10, Restless Isles). Completing HIPS gives you access to the Restless Isles, Completing Ghola Fan and Slavers gives you the 2 pieces of the sigil you need to access the raid. Once you complete both quests and get the sigil forged, you are permanently flagged for the raid. The sigil will only need to be repaired if you complete the raid.
Pre-Raid?: Yes, must be done prior to the battle against the Titan (Similar to Dragon) and must be done in the same run. This is a 12 man instance.
Loot: Loot isn't too bad here, but you can find better items. The Chattering Ring (+4 to AC) is highly desired by AC builds and is probley the one reason why people still run this raid.
Notes: The Open area leading to the raid is not a 12 man instance. A wizard with greater teleport however can take the entire group to the quest enterence with no fighting required. Most groups meet in Tempest Spine or the Sub T depending on level. The pre-raid requires ALL party members to be self sufficent as you are required to break up into small groups. Under water action item will be required for at least 3 members (waterbreathing will not suffice, you need an item). Raid battle is complex and requires 4 or 5 people who can coordinate well, for the remaining 7 or 8 people, you are spectators. This raid also tends to be very buggy and with little room for error, it can go south pretty quick. All Loot is Bound to Character, it uses the 20th Loot Mechanic and has a 3 day timer.
The Demon Queen
Sands of Menechturan (AKA The Demon Sands)
Location: The Demon Sands & Zawabi's Refuge. Talk to the warforge by the stairs near falconer's spire in the Market.
Story Synopsis: A powerful Outsider is trying to set up a new empire in the desert and must be stopped!
Pre-Req Quests: Wizard King, Offering of Blood, Chains of Flame all in the Desert Open Area. By completing each quest you will be given an item, this item needs to be given to Zawabi to get access to the pre-raid. This only needs to be done once.
Pre-Raid?: Yes, known as Against the Demon Queen 1, it is located at the Court of Lilliat, in the Southeastern area of the Firebrand Gnolls in the desert. Unlike the Titan and The Dragon, the Pre-Raid can be run seperately from the raid. Once the pre-raid is completed, talk to Zawabi and he will teleport you to the final fight again the Demon Queen.
Loot: Several useful, but not great items can be found in the raid. Very popular items include the Torc, which is good for casters and Pouch of Jerky, which is essentially a heal clickly. +2 Tomes frequently are found as well.
Notes: 20th loot mechanic, 3 day timer and all named loot is bound. Keep in mind this area also has "epic" difficulty and once you hit level 20, you can upgrade all named items from the raid and pre-req and pre-raid into more appropritate level 20 items.
The Reaver
Location: Gianthold
Story Synopsis: The Stormreaver continues where Sorjek failed in Tempest Spine.
Pre-Req Quests: Prison of the Planes, Crucible and Madstone Crater
Other Pre-Reqs: 20 each of Elven, Dragon and Giant Relics
Pre-Raid?: Yes.Gianthold Tor. Can be run seperately from raid. You must kill all 3 dragons before you can do the raid, BUT you do not have to kill all 3 dragons on the same run.
Loot: Most people run the raid for +3 Tomes, but the Madstone Boots and Madstone Shield are both great for melee characters, Dreamspitter for Bards (also known as a Woo-Woo Stick.. don't ask). Some casters might find the Stormreavers napkin useful and clerics might find the gloves handy (no pun intended).
Notes: This raid has been run to death by many vets. Many of us roll our eyes when someone suggests a Reaver. 20th Loot Mechanic, all named loot is bound and 3 day timer. Hope you like Air elementals.
The Abbott
Necropolis 4
Location: Orchard
Story Synopsis: The Black Abbott is preparing himself for god hood and must be stopped.
Pre-Req Quests:Ghost of Perdition, Desecreated Temple of Vol,Fleshmakers Labratory,Inferno of the Damned.
Other Pre-Reqs: Completed Sigil. The sigil peices are not guranteed drops for completing the quests. You must have the sigil completed to do the pre-raid.
Pre-Raid?: Yes. The Pre-raid must be run 4 seperate times before you are flagged for the raid.
Loot: Got a serious upgrade with Mod 9, lots of great stuff for casters, If you can find anyone to run it.
Notes: 20th loot mechanic, 3 day timer, all named loot is bound. This is raid is the black hole of DDO. Flagging takes way too long and is way too complicated, its nothing but undead and the raid is so complex, where one lag spike can ruin it. Only the most elite guilds generally run this quest, where they have spent many months practicing. It is very rarely pugged. The amount of effort needed to flag for, then practice the raid is not generally worth the rewards, which is why you see very few groups for it.
The Shroud
Vale of Twilight
Location: Vale of Twilight and Meridia (Level 14 or higher)
Story Synopsis: The planents have aligned and the armies of Shavarath are invading! You must stop the invasion, by defeating the Pit Fiend leading the assault.
Pre-Req Quests: Let Sleeping Dust Lie, Rainbow in the Dark, Running with the Devils, Coalesence Chamber andRitual Sacrafice. Each Quest gives you a stone, you much have all the stones each time you want to make a greensteel blank. However you only have to make 1 signet stone to be flagged for the raid, forever.
Other Pre-Reqs: Must have created a signet stone, by doing the crafting tutorial.
Pre-Raid?: No.
Loot: Its make your own loot. No named items drop in the Shroud. Collect ingredients and do the upgrades at the altars in the raid. Best weapons in the game. +2 Tomes are pretty common, +3 Tomes can be found in end rewards.
Notes: Please look on the forums for more information about crafting. 20th Loot mechanic is important because thats the only time you will get an "Essence of Cleansing" which will allow you to equip more than one Greensteel item (you can have to weapons with no issues). Many people refer to the end boss in the Raid as Harry.
Aggro Management
Aggro management has been, and will continue to be, one of the most important things in nearly every raid. To date, the BEST way is to have a minimal amount of people required to keep things smooth. Typically 1 tank only on the main boss, and 2-3 others to handle trash mobs if they exist. Mass amount of people running around has always meant death, and will continue to mean death.
■ Titan - 1 Tank on bottom handling aggro and pillar
■ Demon Queen - 1 Caster kicks it off, everybody stays equal distances apart so aggro bounces evenly between party members.
■ VON- 1 Hero remains up
■ Abbot - 3-4 tanks surround the main boss (1 should intim to try and keep the majority of the aggro, 1 caster gains aggro of trash mobs and runs them in a circle while remaining party kills them off)
■ Shroud - 3-4 Tanks surround the main boss
■ Hound - 1 tank on main dog (high intim), 1 Caster per side managing trash mob aggro.
As you can see, its either 1 Tank, or a few that can pin the main boss in. Its all about aggro management, and keeping the main boss of the remainder of the party. This is a general rule of thumb, and we should keep it in mind with every raid we do.
Healing is KEY in any raid we do. Without it we'd never finish. When first attempting a raid we've never done before, its usually pretty resource intensive. This is all about the learning curve. Two general methods that are used in nearly all raids is either the "Hero" method, or "Mass" method. Hero's we assign a tank per healer, mass we take turns on a primary tank mass healing them and those surrounding him. Average healers per raid in the game is 3. If you are using more than that, something is wrong with the remainder of the party make up.
■ VON - Hero method on 1 tank, each healer takes turns keeping that 1 tank up.
■ Demon Queen - Mass Method, between round party groups up and we keep mass heals up.
■ Titan - Mass heals on the top where the party groups, 1 healer will spot heal the main tank on the bottom.
■ Abbot - Mass heals on main tanks in center, 1 cleric to spot heal remainder of party
■ Shroud - Both Mass/Hero can be used, depending on the amount of DPS you have in the party.
■ Hound - Mass Heals on puppies, spot heal remainder of party as needed.
So again, we need to experience the new raid, feel out how long it will take, and decide which method will be best, Mass or Hero. Random spot heals by all healers will just waste SP, and the party will die or you will use way more resources than you need to. A steady tactic/order of who will be healing when reduces resource use, keeps things running smoother, and gives us more time to complete the raid.
DPS aka Damage Per Second
This comes in many forms. Each raid is geared toward a specific type of DPS, whether it be from casters, ranged combat, or hand to hand. Determining the correct form, will help us bring the appropriate characters into the raid to have a successful completion.
■ VON - Hero, 1 high DPS Barb/Tank to take the dragon down.
■ Demon Queen - Casters Unite, blast the hell out of the *****.
■ Titan - Not so much DPS oriented (pillars), but a good well rounded group should have no problems.
■ Abbot - 3-4 High DPS tanks to bring the abbots health down ASAP.
■ Shroud - The more high DPS tanks you have, the better, no less than 4 should be brought.
■ Hound - Stat damagers(wounding/punct), vorpals. Outer ring needs some high fast dps to take down mobs ASAP. This can be rangers/rogues/tanks/barbs/monks etc..
Again each raid is slightly different on DPS make up. Anytime we start a new raid we've never done, we should bring a well rounded party, and find out which ones were doing a decent sustainable damage over time, and concentrate on bringing more of that the next timer around.
Support Classes
Again with every raid the support classes can be the difference between success and failure. Primary support class in this game is the bard. Their songs, no matter the raid, help a tremendous amount, more than you can imagine, and 1 of this class should be with every raid group.
Every raid in the game, whether is the direct raid, or prequest to it, has a puzzle in it, with the exception of the hound. Determining the solution, and spreading word of that solution to the masses in the guild helps everyone complete faster/smoother.
■ VON - Floor Tile Puzzle (Pre-Raid)
■ Demon Queen - Word puzzle (Pre-Raid)
■ Titan - Tile Puzzle/Under Water Puzzle (Pre-Raid)
■ Abbot - Disappearing Floor Room/Asteroid/Iceberg (Raid)
■ Shroud - Light Floor Puzzle (Raid)
■ Hound - No Puzzle, but charming the puppies was key to learn.
Last but not least, Communication/Listening
In every raid, its imperative that 1 person do the leading/talking. I've said it in our raids, in my guides, etc, mass people talking will mean death, no matter the parties makeup, 1 person calmly leading the party, means success. In new raids, if everyone is talking at once, we will never ever learn anything. The ONE will, with input from the guild as a whole, come up with a strategy. The ONE will list this strategy at the beginning of the raid. During the raid, if something in the strategy isn't working, just take note of it. We are bound to fail the first time through, its all about learning. So take your observations, keep them to yourself, and AFTER THE RAID, we as a group, will discuss what worked, what didn't, and your suggestions for new ideas on what may solve the problems we encounter. At that point we come up with another strategy, and try it again. Through process of elimination, we will figure out what works, and eventually have a strategy to take the Raid down.
1 Aggro Management
2 Healing
3 DPS aka Damage Per Second
4 Support Classes
5 Puzzles
6 Last but not least, Communication/Listening
The Hound
Vale of Twilight
Location: Sub T (underneath the monument in the marketplace tent).
Story Synopsis: A big Hound and a bunch of Puppies have been spotted in the Sub T and must be dealt with.
Pre-Reqs: Level 14 or higher
Pre-Raid: No.
Loot: Some nice items, this raid introudced the item sets. There is a nice shield/necklace combo for Clerics in here. Its also a good spot for +2 and +3 Tomes.
Notes: The Sub T is a 12 man exploerer area. It takes about 30 minutes to get to quests, win or fail the actual raid takes about 10. AC and Intimi tanks shine here as do bards. 20th loot mechanic, 3 day timer all named loot is bound. Make sure someone has scrolls or the spell of Minor Globe of Invulnerabilty.
Vision of Destruction (AKA VoD)
Vale of Twilight
Location: Sub T (underneath the monument in the marketplace Tent)
Story Synopsis: A member of the 12 has had a vision of a new Shavarath invasion, this time by a Horned Devil. You must stop it!
Pre-Reqs: Level 14 or Higher
Pre-Raid: No.
Loot: The Leviks set is nice for melee types. +2 and +3 Tomes
Notes: Curse removal is very important. EVERYONE should be able to take care of their own curses. This is a very intense raid, but short. Warforge are immune to the Curse and make good tanks as long as their is a wizard to heal them. 20th loot mechanic, 3 day time, all named loot is bound
Tower of Despair
Devil's Battlefield (Shavarath)
Location: Devil's Battlefield (accessed through Amrath, which is accessed through the 12).
Story Synopsis: You are leading the assualt on Shavarath, to finally end the threats to Stormreach.
Pre-Reqs: Genesis Point, Bastion of Power, Sins of Attrition and aNew Invasion. Only needs to be completed once.
Other Pre-Reqs: While not required, grind out a set of boots of anchoring, so you don't get banished back to Stormreach during the raid!
Pre-Raid: No.
Loot: The pre-req quests give nice items for almost all of the prestige enhancements for each class, usually a belt and/or necklace (ie their is a Kensai Belt or Spellsinger necklace etc.) You also get upgradeable rings for completing the raid, which give effects similar to Tier 2 shroud effects. Also +4 tomes...
Notes: You must be seriously well equipped to do anything in this area. Shroud items are nearly a must. But they are some of the most awesome quests in the game! 20th loot mechanic, 3 day timer, named loot is bound.
The next group of quests have important loot, but are not 12 man raids

Dragon Touched Armor
Reaver's Refuge
Location: Reaver's Refuge
Story Synopsis: The Stormreaver regets what he has done, but someone has brough Sorjek back from the dead...
Pre-Reqs: Monestary of the Scorpion, Enter the Kobold and Prey on the Hunter. When you complete each quest, you are given an essence. You must have all 3 each time you want to run Stealer of Souls. Essences can be stored in the bank.
Other Pre-Reqs: You must have one of the Gems from the open areas of Gianthold, The Desert or Orchard. There are also 3 more gems you need from the 3 small mini open areas in the Reaver's Refuge. You only need to turn the Gems in once, which opens the 4th open area in the refuge, the aptly named Eerie Forest!
Pre-Raid: No
Loot: Draconic runes drop in the open area quests, these can be turned it for additional armor types (once you complete Stealer of Souls). Once you complete Stealer of Souls you will be given enough Draconic runes to get an armor. This armor had 3 upgrade slots (like Shroud items). Tier 1 items are upgraded at the Eldrich device with an Eldrich Rune (Found in Monestary and enter the kobold), Tier 2 at the Tempest Device with a Tempest Rune (Found in Prey on the Hunter, Tier 3 at the Soverign device with a soverign run (Found by killing Sorjek or by trading in a bunch of tempest runes). You cannot see what the runes will give you in an upgrade, its a Lotto system. You might get lucky and pull what you want, but for many it takes a long time to get the upgrades they want. You can constantly change the upgrade on the armor by putting the armor and a new rune in the appropriate device, but there is no way to undo the change, you might get something better than you have or you might not.
Notes: No mechanics. Runes are bound to character.
Path of Inspiration
Location: Inspired Quarter off the Harbor (the old starting Harbor for those who have been around long enough).
Story Synopsis: The traders for Dar Qat are rebuilding the harbor, but all is not what is seems...
Pre-Reqs: Finding the Path, Jeets' Mind. While not required for Mindsunder access, The Dream Conspiracy and Shipwrecked Spy are needed for the disks.
other Pre-Reqs: Each quest gives a different colored shard at the end. You need 3 of each color to make a full disk of that color. You need all 4 colors to have a set, these unlock to big chest.
Loot: Lots. If you don't like grinding the shroud, these items are pretty good and can be upgraded. There are 100 different Dream Edges (Kama), Rahl's Might is a nice weapon, Regalia fo the Phoenix is nice for fire specced casters, Titan Grip Gloves are awesome fore Melee Characters and Quori Forge Docent is really nice for melee warforge.
Notes: Quests are short, but not all that easy. Remove curse is essential, birng pots or you don't get healed! You can run mindsunder as long as you have enough disks, you can run it without having enough disks, but you won't get the big chest with the named loot. Named loot is BOUND TO ACCOUNT, until you upgrade it in part 2 where it becomes bound to character.
Dreaming Dark
Dreaming Dark
Location: Inspiration Quarter and Island of Dreams
Story Synopsis: The isn't the 1st time the Quori have invaded... Learn about their last invasion and how they were defeated and by who!
Pre-Reqs: Eye of the Titan, Reclaiming memories, Giants Vault or Mining for Memories. Giants Vault is Solo Only.
Other pre-reqs: In order to upgrade your mindsunder items, you need 6 essences of each color to make a disk, and its random which essence you will get in each quest. You need 1 disk each of all 4 colors to unlock your item in the dream forge.
Loot: Poor. All your running it for is cash and essences. You must defeat the end boss in the Dreaming Dark quest to gain access to the forge.
Notes: Quests are short, check the forums to see what items upgrade too, most have been pretty blah so far, but you might find something you like.