Guild Prize Give-Away
Items not selected will rotate for future drawings
All members are eligible to roll including officers
Special thanksto those who made donations
Areef, Dapoli, Derititus, Duelwield, Dynathecat, Elierin, Emocat, Lazypanda, Lynnard, Raymess

Adamantine Knuckles  (Handwraps)  Epic  lvl 23

Adamantine Knuckles  (Handwraps)  Epic Hard  lvl 24

x2   Bronze Ingot Arcanum  (Quarterstaff)   (1) lvl 12,  (1) Epic Elite  lvl 25

x2    The Turmoil Within  (Rune Arm)  Epic Hard  lvl 24

Masters Riposte  (Long Sword)  Epic  lvl 26

x2    Forgotten Light  (Heavy Mace)  (1)  Epic Hard  lvl  24,  (1)  Epic Elite  lvl 25

Nether Orb  (Orb)  Epic  lvl 26

x2    Hammer of the Leaden Clouds  (War Hammer)   (1)  lvl 12,   (1)  Epic Elite  lvl 25

x2     Frostbite Blade  (Scimitar)  Epic Elite  lvl 28

x3    Magistrate's Scepter  (Heavy Mace)  (1)  Elite  lvl 19,  (1)  Epic Hard  lvl  27,   (1)  Epic Elite  lvl 28

x2   The Mountain Fist  (Dwarven War Axe)  (2)  Elite  lvl 14,  (Set) 

The Mountain Fist   (Dwarven War Axe)
  Epic lvl 23

Nether Grasps (Gloves)  Epic  lvl 23

Gloves of the Master Illusionist  (Gloves)  Epic Elite  lvl 28

3 Hour Guess Pass for non VIP's  to any area available,   per-character's  lvl

Fernian   rare drop  (Handwraps)  min lvl 6 with a red augment,   max lvl 28

Belt of the Seven Ideals  (Belt)  Epic Elite  lvl 25

Spidersilk Robe  (Robe)  lvl 22  "not upgraded"

 Spidersilk Outfit  (Outfit)  lvl 22  "not upgraded" 

x3   Leaves of the Forest  (Armor)  (1) Normal  lvl 15,  (1) Epic lvl 22,  (1) Epic Hard  lvl  23

Giantcraft Siberys Compass  (Trinket)  Epic Elite lvl 25

Madstone Skull Orb  (Orb)  Epic Elite  lvl 25

Wizard's Ward Orb  (Orb)  Epic Hard  lvl 24

Prismatic Cloak's   (Cloak)
 Red  lvl  19
 Red  lvl  27

Blue  lvl  27
Blue  lvl  28
Grey  lvl  18
Gray  lvl  28
Violet  lvl  28
Green  lvl  19
Green  lvl  28

x2   20 Shreds of Tapestry for the helm of your choice in upper Necro.  min  lvl  11

Green Steel Belt  (Belt)  min lvl  11    Comes  with ingredients to upgrade  to stage 2
You will need to provide a list of ingredients and type of item your making, so we may gather the right stuff the 1st time.

x24   Raid Timers

x5   Collapsed Portable Holes

x4   Jewelers Tool Kits

+1 Tomes


+2 Upgrade Tomes



+3 Upgrade Tomes


+4 Upgrade Tomes


Trapsmith's Crossbow  (Crossbow)  R.H.C.  Hard  lvl 15

Corruption of Nature  (Rune Arm)  Normal  lvl 15

x2   Frost Beholder Certificate
Poison Dart Frog Certificate
Red-eyed Tree Frog Certificate
Pond Frog Certificate
Junior Fleshrender Certificate

x2   Shamanic Fetish (Trinket)  Elite  lvl 14

Dragon scales x20   Black, Blue or White.   Your choice of color.
we have   40/White,  40/Black,  20/Blue

100 Scrolls of Heal
50 Scrolls of Jump
50 Scrolls of Expedious Retreat
50 Scrolls of Knock
50 Scrolls of Detect Secret Doors
25 Scrolls of Raise Dead
25 Scrolls of Greater Teleport
20 Scrolls of Summon Monster VII

Ruby of Reconstruction 90   lvl  20
Ruby of Combustion 90  lvl  20
Ruby of Devotion  90  lvl  20
Topaz of Striding   30%   lvl 20

x2    Rocksplitter Heavy Pick  (Pickaxe)  lvl 10   Set

Bloody Cleaver (Falchion)  2 H.W. lvl  10

Gloves of Frogotten Craft  (Gloves)  Epic Hard  lvl  24

Manacles of Ceaseless Toil  (Wrists)  Epic Hard  lvl  24

Jeweled Cloak  (Cloak)  Elite  lvl 14

x2    Iron Beads (Neck)  (1)  Elite  lvl 14,  (1)  Epic Hard  lvl 24

Stolen Necklace  (Neck)  Epic Elite  lvl  27

Jorgundal's Collar  (Neck)  Epic Hard  lvl  24

Blade of Fury  (Great Sword)  lvl  10

x2    Sirocco  (Long Sword)  lvl 10  Set

x2    Dynastic Falcata  (Khopesh)  lvl 8

Pale blue Ioun Stone  lvl  2

Skyvault Shield   (Large Shield)
lvl  12

x2   Icerazor   (Sickle)  lvl 21  Set

Firebreak  (Armor)  Elite  lvl 17

Assassin Initiate's Leathers  (Armor)  lvl 15

x2   The Mad Lute  (Club)  lvl 18  Bard's Only

I still have many items to post so keep checking back....

Items in RED are out of stock....  Also items are not listed in any order.
Some items have multiple's you only get ONE, unless marked as a set
Please choose the item you are interested in from the list below.