1). This guild is mainly for members that have adult commitments, such as work, family, kids, college, etc. So therefore it's mainly a casual guild by design with some hardcore players. But please keep this in mind as many of the players will not progress as quickly.
2). It is expected that there will be no zerging, and that real life interferences briefly occur, the rest of the party will continue or stop and wait.(Only when it's a guild party). These kind of interferences are taking dogs out, changing diapers, etc. However, they should be brief, 5 minutes tops and as infrequent as possible. So please plan accordingly.
3). Please no zerging when with other guildies. I don't care how often you have done a quest or how well you know it. You might have someone in the group who has a slower machine, first time in the quest etc. It is also expected that all optional content that grants experience is completed. The only exception to this rule is when doing favor runs which for the purpose of this guild means -FAVOR ONLY, NO EXP. Since no exp, there is no point in doing optionals that grant exp, unless the parties decide otherwise, for chests.
4). When in a group with guildies, or any game related topics, please type in the party box. Not everyone uses a mic or speakers, so please be considerate.
Unless you know the members in your group or party use mic's.
5). Do not swear in guild chat. I personally don't mind a little swearing. However, it does offend some people. So don't do it please.
6). Do not poke fun at other guildies in guild chat. It might not bother them, but others that see it might misinterpret it and take it the wrong way.
I am a good example at this, but I mean no offence.
7). Do no take items in chest, or items offered by other guildies unless you can CURRENTLY use them. If you can use them in the future, don't take them till or when you level up. Do not exploit your fellow guild members. I consider that improper etiquette.
8). When in a Raid, don't take something out of your chest that is unique if you can't use it. They are very rare drops so if you can't use it reserve it for someone who can, they do bind so it would do you no good anyways.
9). When in game chat channels, please keep your cool when talking about the guild. if someone is badmouthing the guild for whatever reason, it does no good calling them stupid, dumb, etc. It reflects poorly on you, which you might not care about, but it also reflects poorly on the guild, which I do care about. So just stick to factual information and keep your emotions out.
10). Please keep drama out of guild chat. Example "Oh my god, I just cut my finger, got to log". This kind of stuff needs to be kept out of guild chat.
11). Be patient with other guildies. Also if someone offends you, please address it with them PRIVATELY, not in guild chat for all to see. If you can't resolve it with them then feel free to let Zafrien know what happened. The first thing i will ask you is, did you talk to that member or person first.
12). Leader/Officers can't be around 24/7, so I expect all of you to adhere to the above, and to ensure everyone else adheres to the above. If there are problems/issues, etc when Leader/Officers are not on, please mail the issue to me, or email me @ zafrien@gmail.com.
13). Mail is the best way to reach me. If I'm questing and get a tell I won't answer you. Or I may be away from my keyboard. It doesn't mean I'm ignoring you, so don't take it personally.
14). DO NOT spam guild chat. Example: (Can someone help me level...),
repeated more than 3 times. If no one answers you, that means they are not available. It does not mean they are ignoring you, so don't take it personally.
15). Do not complain about other guild members in guild chat or of their actions. This can and will get you expelled from the guild. Again - address it with them privately, or Zafrien, or an officer.
16). This is a game... Have fun! Also, get some air, go out, eat, etc. This should take bottom priority in your life. Life's too short to sit in front of the game all day.
17). As members of DDO, Free, Premium, or VIP. All accounts must stay active,
this also means signing into any alts you may have in the guild. Starting at 1 week, I will remove any member/officer that has not signed onto their character/characters.
18). Level's 1-10 @ 2 months inactivity will be removed
Level's 11-15 @ 3 months inactivity will be removed
Please log onto your character / character's. Keeping our guild
clean is important to it's growth.
19). If you are going to be away for an extended time, your character /
characters are more than welcome back into the guild. Contact myself
or an Officer to reinstate your character(s).
20). If you fail to abide by this code of conduct, you will be expelled.
Thanks and have fun. If you feel you are a better fit somewhere else I support your decision to leave and wish you the best of luck.
Thank you all for your support in this and all guild related issues.
---------------------------------------Banned information:--------------------------------------
* Only Officers have the power to remove players from the guild. So report other members to them or the guild leader. If one is not on, please send them a mail with the players name and the reason of the disturbance.
* Officers will only remove players who have offended the guild. We will give warnings to the offences occurring, if it continues the Officer has a right to remove that character from the guild. Offences will be included not following the Code of Conduct.
* Officers will log their name, and the name of the removed player, as well as detailed information on why he removed the specified player from the guild.
* You can be reinstated into the guild twice, then you are banned from the guild completely. To be reinstated, fill out an appeal. Then the guild leader and officer(s) will discuss whether or not you will be reinstated. (Depending on how severe the offence was).
* Appeals and Officer Log's will be located on the Shire News page.
--------------------------------------------Refund Details:-----------------------------------------
* We will not refund any donations to characters that have been permanently banned from the guild.
* We appreciate donations, and they help our guild by buffing the ships, buying new ones, and buying pass's, gear, and weapons to help other
guildies out.
* REMEMBER donations are final, so please double check your amount and information, before you donate to the Shire.
* If there was a typo in your guild donation box, be sure to have a receipt of your donation, or proof, and email to Zafrien at) We will then talk in private and discuss the refund.
Code of Conduct